
The "Copycat" War: Iran Strikes Back
From cyberstrikes, assassinations, and drone surveillance, Iran seems to copying Western tactics. Retaliation, not escalation, is Tehran’s goal.

How Politics Nuked Iran’s Economy
For the leaders of the Islamic Republic, the real enemy is within.

China Moves Forward on Cybersecurity Policy
Despite a new policy opinion, Chinese cyber-security suffers from some of the same problems as the United States.

Is U.S. in Iran Cyber War?
A series of revelations suggest that the U.S. and Israel are engaged in a cyber war with Iran. If true, any hope of progress in talks over Iran’s nuclear program could be jeopardized.

Stuxnet and Flame: Take a Breath
Revelations over Stuxnet should prompt an open discussion over cyber weapons. They probably won’t.

Are Iran Assassinations Working?
The assassination of another Iranian nuclear scientist raises the question of whether such a program can work.

A Tough Cyber Year
From Stuxnet to Anonymous, it has been a year of high-profile cyber attacks. Expect plenty more in 2012.

Yes, Obama May Call Iran Strike
A former top Obama adviser on the Middle East says the president is serious when he says all options remain open. Just look at his track record.

Was Russia Behind Stuxnet?
The U.S. and Israel are widely assumed to be responsible for the Stuxnet computer worm that hit Iran’s nuclear facilities. But Moscow has just as good a motive.

Iran and the P5+1: Dual Track Clash
Was China Behind Stuxnet?
A leading analyst talks about Stuxnet, cyber warfare and whether the West is prepared for a cyber attack.

Stuxnet in China
The arrival of Stuxnet raises interesting questions about China’s own cyber war capabilities.