subnational governments

What Actions Did US State Legislators Attempt to Take on China in 2024?
By Flora Yan
Analyzing 290 legislative proposals introduced in 44 states.

Proposed US State Legislative Actions on China in 2023: 5 Case Studies
By Flora Yan
Breaking down notable activities in five states – Texas, Michigan, Hawai‘i, Florida, and Missouri.

What Actions Did US State Legislators Attempt to Take on China in 2023?
By Flora Yan
Analyzing 334 proposals introduced in 50 state legislatures.

Time for the Quad to Expand Into Subnational Partnerships
By Matt Abbott
Engagement between local governments can help the grouping better address shared security and economic challenges.

A Discussion With US Senator Chris Murphy About Subnational Diplomacy and China
By Catherine Putz
The City and State Diplomacy Act has an unmistakable target, even if the text of bill does not name it: China.

New Australian Foreign Policy Legislation Stresses Consistency
By Grant Wyeth
Canberra is set to introduce legislation giving the federal government a veto over state and territory deals with foreign governments.

Competition With China Goes Subnational
By Scott Moore
Can Beijing successfully exploit divisions between local and central governments?
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