

A First: India Begins Military Exercises With 17 African Countries

A First: India Begins Military Exercises With 17 African Countries

By Ankit Panda
AFINDEX-19 underscores India’s growing military-to-military ties with a range of African states.

China’s Dictatorship Diplomacy Implodes

China’s Dictatorship Diplomacy Implodes

By Zachary Keck
All around the world China's support for authoritarian states is backfiring.
UN Chief Ban Ki-moon Arrives in China

UN Chief Ban Ki-moon Arrives in China

Plus, China mediates the Sudan dispute and the Communist Youth League holds National Conference. Tuesday China links.

China and the ICC

China and the ICC

While China won’t support some cases being referred to the international court, many are too quick to dismiss its participation.

India’s African “Safari”

India’s African “Safari”

By Sudha Ramachandran
Although its interests in the continent are broadly similar, India’s engagement with Africa differs significantly from China. Will it prove sustainable?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The 'Tragedy' of China's Energy Policy

The 'Tragedy' of China's Energy Policy

Why Beijing’s energy strategy entrenches the narrative of China as a “irresponsible stakeholder.”

China's Deft Sudan Diplomacy

China's Deft Sudan Diplomacy

China has sought to bolster its ties to South Sudan while not damaging its longer and closer relationship with the north.

China's Sudan Opportunity

China's Sudan Opportunity

The tensions between Sudan and South Sudan offer an opportunity for China to show off its diplomacy.

China: Africa’s Other Kony

China: Africa’s Other Kony

Joseph Kony is now notorious for his role in Africa, including in Sudan. But China’s supplying of arms and oil money has also abetted the Sudanese regime’s awful behavior.

China’s Achilles’ Heel

China’s Achilles’ Heel

With little in the way of force projection, China’s dependence on natural resources in unstable parts of the world could undercut its economic ambitions. There are limits to freeriding.

To Interfere, or Not to Interfere?

Chinese policy over Libya and Sudan suggests a possible shift in its non-interference doctrine. What’s happening?

China Shifts on Sudan, Libya

China Shifts on Sudan, Libya

China has traditionally stuck to a non-interventionist foreign policy. But On Sudan and Libya, it seems to be shifting.

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