Sun Tzu

Stop Talking About a ‘Chinese Way of War’
By Rick Chersicla
Sun Tzu and Mao Zedong’s teachings do not embody the theoretical underpinnings of a unique Chinese way of war, but rather demonstrate widely held general principles.

How Sun Tzu Would Understand the China-India Doklam Standoff
By Jin Kai
China has shi on its side.

Sun Tzu and the Art of Soft Power?
By Leon Whyte
China (and others) are increasingly referencing Sun Tzu as a source of soft power.

In Iraq, ISIS Channels Mao
By James R. Holmes
Unlike al-Qaeda, ISIS seems to understand Mao Zedong's classic Phase III battlefield struggle.

The Religious Origins of Western Strategy
By James R. Holmes
The West’s uneasiness with misdirection might be rooted in Christianity.

A Game of Go: China and Japan Seek Advantages in East Asia
By Jin Kai
The tensions between China and Japan can be understood as a contest of "shih," or strategic configurations of power.

Why China Can’t Rise Quietly
By James R. Holmes
China wants to achieve its goals short of war while reaping the propaganda harvest it would get from war.

Who is Air Power’s Alfred Thayer Mahan?
By James R. Holmes
Air Power is unique in not having a grand theorist on par with Clausewitz or Mahan.

China’s Constant Warfare
China’s three-warfares concept underscores the CCP’s combative mindset and continuous strife.

5 Warfare Concepts That Explain Rugby
Watching rugby allows observers to see the ideas of Clausewitz, Corbett and Sun Tzu in action.

Debating Mahan in the 21st Century
A new edited volume of Mahan’s work will hopefully revive a discussion on the naval theorist’s continued relevance.

4 Tenets of Fighting Insurgents
“If you want excellent generals, admirals, and senior enlisted tomorrow, then, loosen the reins today.”
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