Syria civil war

Syria Is Not One of China’s Strategic Priorities
By Dale Aluf
Make no mistake: China's leadership is not happy about the fall of Assad. But compared to Russia and Iran, Beijing had far less at stake.

As International Justice Fails, Solidarity Must Prevail
By Dustin Barter and Leen Fouad
From Gaza to Myanmar, the current constellations of geopolitics pose one of the most significant barriers to justice.

The Limits on China’s Role in Syria
By Guy Burton, Nick Lyall, and Logan Pauley
Damascus may be keen to seek Chinese funds to rebuild, but interest from Beijing and Chinese firms will be tempered by caution.

Have the Gates of Hell Been Opened Upon Myanmar?
By Gerard McDermott
The crisis in Myanmar has exhibited some signs that a devastating and deeply divisive conflict may be on the horizon.

How Strong is the Iran-Russia ‘Alliance’?
By Samuel Ramani
The long-term sustainability of the current Moscow-Tehran alignment remains unclear.

US Airstrikes in Syria: Impact on China, Israel and the Middle East
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Christina Lin.

What Does Kazakhstan Have at Stake in Syria?
By Samuel Ramani
Why Kazakhstan is eager to act as a moderator in the next round of Syria talks.

Can South Korea Capitalize on a Second Middle East Boom?
By Alon Levkowitz
South Korea hopes that the Middle East is the answer to economic woes, but Seoul will have to tread carefully.

Pakistan's Role in the Syria Conflict
By Samuel Ramani
How Pakistan wound up on the same side as Iran in the Syria conflict.

Russia’s Surging Electronic Warfare Capabilities
By Caitlin Patterson
Russia's new developments in electronic warfare are on display in Ukraine and Syria.

Is North Korea Fighting for Assad in Syria?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Two North Korean militias are fighting for Bashar al-Assad the Syrian opposition claims.

Grading Obama’s Foreign Policy
By Robert Dujarric
The U.S. president has had plenty of challenges. How well has he handled them?
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