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Why Does China Still Play Second Fiddle?

Why Does China Still Play Second Fiddle?

Despite its achievements, China is not yet ready to take on more responsibility in international affairs.

Is America Actually War-Weary?

Is America Actually War-Weary?

Are the public, military, or policymakers the ones who have lost the passion for war in the US?

Adversaries Determine Credibility

Adversaries Determine Credibility

When it comes to credibility and reputation, the adversaries’ perceptions are all that matter.

A Potemkin Syria Deal

A Potemkin Syria Deal

The US-Russia deal on Syria achieves next to nothing—for America or the world.

Why China Misses the Unipolar Moment

Why China Misses the Unipolar Moment

For Beijing, Syria shows the perils of not having a global hegemon to rely on.

Why Obama Should Work with Iran on Syria Now

Why Obama Should Work with Iran on Syria Now

The Russian offer gives the U.S. to engage with Iran on a host of regional issues, including Syria.

Do Chemical Weapons Threaten US Extended Deterrence in Asia?

Do Chemical Weapons Threaten US Extended Deterrence in Asia?

If the U.S. doesn’t respond to Syria’s chemical weapons use, will its Asian allies doubt its commitment to them?

Will Russia Regret “Owning” Syria?

Will Russia Regret “Owning” Syria?

Putin has established Russia as Assad’s patron. As the US can attest, that’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

Syrian Rebels Attack Chinese Diplomats, Embassy

Syrian Rebels Attack Chinese Diplomats, Embassy

Rebel forces vow to attack Beijing’s embassy in Damascus. Already a sniper has targeted its ambassador.

Attacking Syria Won’t Deter North Korea

Attacking Syria Won’t Deter North Korea

The potential US intervention in Syria reaffirms the wisdom of Pyongyang’s WMD acquisition.

Insecurity Drives China’s Syria Policy

Insecurity Drives China’s Syria Policy

China’s own sense of vulnerability, not its rivalry with the US, accounts for its opposition to a Syrian intervention.

The Orwellian Debate Over Isolationism

The Orwellian Debate Over Isolationism

“The great George would have a field day with the debate over whether to intervene in Syria.”

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