Taiwan conscription

Taiwan’s Aging Society Poses a National Security Threat
By Jeremiah May and Daniel Fu
Taiwan’s declining population has pressing ramifications for its ability to recruit and sustain an adequate fighting force.

Now That It’s a Reality, Does Taiwan Still Back Extended Military Conscription?
By Kuan-chen Lee
As Taiwan’s first cohort of one-year conscripts complete their basic training, the public remains heavily supportive of the policy change.

Setting the Record Straight: The KMT Defense Blueprint for Taiwan
By Howard Shen
If elected, Hou Yu-ih plans to publish Taiwan’s first National Security Strategy within the first ten months of the presidency.

What Do Taiwanese Think About Expanding Conscription?
By Timothy S. Rich and Serena White
A new survey finds broad support for the lengthened conscription period, even past the current one year mark.

The Politics Behind Taiwan’s Military Draft Extension
By Brian Hioe
While extending the conscription period is a politically risky move, few other parties are ready to openly criticize the decision.

What Do People in Taiwan Think About Their Military?
By Austin Horng-En Wang, Charles K. S. Wu, Fan-Yu Chen, and Yao-Yuan Yeh
As the perceived threat from China rises, people in Taiwan are reevaluating long-held negative views of their military.

Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge
By Vanessa Molter
Faced with high military personnel cost and unfavorable demographics, Taiwan will have to make uncomfortable policy choices.

Taiwan's Military Conscription Dilemma
By Shang-su Wu
Taiwan’s temporary extension of conscription shows that the new administration is also struggling with the issue.

Is Taiwan’s Military Becoming Too Small to Fight?
By J. Michael Cole
With conscription ending and budgets limited, Taiwan may have to make do with a smaller defense force.
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