Taiwan-Solomon Islands relations

Taiwan Must Avoid Pouring Fuel on Solomon Islands Fire
By James Baron
The Solomons is a tinderbox of complex ethnic tensions, corruption, and competing local interests, meaning interference from Beijing or Taipei can have disastrous consequences.

Is China to Blame for Solomon Islands Unrest?
By Rod McGuirk
Resentment against Chinese business people is longstanding and has fueled violence in Honiara’s Chinatown.

How China and Taiwan Became ‘Pawns’ in Solomon Islands’ Internal Dispute
By Grant Wyeth
The question of recognizing China vs. Taiwan has been weaponized in a long-standing dispute between Malaita and the central Solomon Islands government.

Solomon Islands: A Pacific Linchpin Is Pulled
By Jason Li
A closer look at the significance of a key diplomatic switch.

Taiwan Hosts Top Solomon Islands Official Amid Reports of a Diplomatic Switch to Beijing
By Nick Aspinwall
Solomon islands foreign minister visits Taipei days after a report said a diplomatic switch to Beijing was imminent.

Report: Solomon Islands ‘Clearly Leaning’ Toward Changing Recognition From Taipei to Beijing
By Ankit Panda
The Pacific Island state’s decision to switch would leave Taiwan with just 16 remaining diplomatic allies.

China and Taiwan on the Mind as Australia’s Morrison Heads to the Solomon Islands
By Grant Wyeth
Finding a position respectful of Honiara that also maintains Canberra’s strategic desires will require a deft touch.

A Smooth Solomon Islands Election
By Grant Wyeth
Although counting continues, it seems that the first post-RAMSI election has been a success.
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