Taiwan-Tuvalu relations

Tuvalu’s New Premier Will Maintain Ties With Taiwan, Revisit Australia Security Pact
By Rod McGuirk
Prime Minister Feleti Teo said Tuvalu’s ties with Taiwan “are purely based on democratic principles” and not in question.

Feleti Teo Is Named Tuvalu’s New Prime Minister
By Rod McGuirk and Tristan Lavalette
The new government will determine the fate of a security treaty with Australia – and could reconsider Tuvalu’s ties with Taiwan.

Why the United States Needs an Embassy in Tuvalu
By John Augé
Tuvalu, the least visited and fourth smallest country in the world, might not be on everyone’s radar, but it holds a world of potential.

Australia and Tuvalu: The Complexities of Climate Refuge
By Grant Wyeth
While the new security agreement is built on unfortunate resignation about Tuvalu’s future, serious action on climate change has the ability to arrest its most brutal consequences.
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