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Challenges and Opportunities for Afghanistan in 2017

Challenges and Opportunities for Afghanistan in 2017

By Aziz Amin Ahmadzai
2016 was a difficult year for Afghanistan and 2017 presents unique challenges.
Taliban Pledge to Protect Infrastructure Projects

Taliban Pledge to Protect Infrastructure Projects

By Catherine Putz
The Taliban say they are "committed to safeguarding" national infrastructure projects like CASA-1000 and TAPI.

The 3 Big Challenges Facing Pakistan Next Army Chief

The 3 Big Challenges Facing Pakistan Next Army Chief

By Umair Jamal
Pakistan’s next military chief faces a wide range of challenges on both the domestic and external fronts.  

What Afghans Expect From Donald Trump

What Afghans Expect From Donald Trump

By Aziz Amin Ahmadzai and Ziauddin Wahaj
President-elect Donald J. Trump must clarify his position on Afghanistan as soon as possible.

Taliban Commanders Key to Peace With Afghanistan

Taliban Commanders Key to Peace With Afghanistan

By Shawn Snow
A factionalized Taliban adds another dynamic to a complicated peace process in Afghanistan.
NATO Trains Afghan Tactical Air Controllers as Civilian Casualties Rise

NATO Trains Afghan Tactical Air Controllers as Civilian Casualties Rise

By Shawn Snow
NATO and Afghan forces continue to adapt to capability and capacity gaps.

Spoilers and Peace in Afghanistan: Negotiating With the Taliban

Spoilers and Peace in Afghanistan: Negotiating With the Taliban

By Shawn Snow
The biggest potential spoiler for Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is Pakistan.
Afghan Forces Struggle to Hold the Line

Afghan Forces Struggle to Hold the Line

By Shawn Snow
Major Afghan cities are currently surrounded and under assault by the Taliban forces.

Kunduz Back in Government Control as Taliban Conduct Information Operations

Kunduz Back in Government Control as Taliban Conduct Information Operations

By Shawn Snow
Afghan forces retook the city center of Kunduz on Tuesday after it was briefly taken by Taliban militants.

Ghani’s Brussels Trip Overshadowed as Taliban Capture Kunduz Again

Ghani’s Brussels Trip Overshadowed as Taliban Capture Kunduz Again

By Shawn Snow
The Taliban have launched yet another major assault on Kunduz.

General Raziq: Kabul’s Man in Southern Afghanistan

General Raziq: Kabul’s Man in Southern Afghanistan

By Shawn Snow
The Afghan government's reliance on Abdul Raziq highlights Kabul’s reliance on warlords for its war strategy.

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