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How the US-Taliban Deal Failed Afghanistan

How the US-Taliban Deal Failed Afghanistan

By Natiq Malikzada and Trevor Filseth
None of Washington’s errors in Afghanistan was greater in scope than the peace agreement signed with the Taliban in February 2020.
The Taliban Are Diverting Aid, But How Much?

The Taliban Are Diverting Aid, But How Much?

By Catherine Putz
Ultimately, the Taliban exploit the good intentions of the U.N. and other donors whose main interest is seeing at least some aid get to the Afghan people, even if the Taliban get to claim credit. 

Hassan Abbas on the Return of the Taliban

Hassan Abbas on the Return of the Taliban

By Catherine Putz
"Getting into another warlike situation with the Taliban is unlikely to improve the plight of ordinary Afghans or the nature of Afghanistan’s reality today."

With Ban on Beauty Salons, Taliban Continue to Shrink Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

With Ban on Beauty Salons, Taliban Continue to Shrink Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

By Amina Zurmati and Qudratullah Zurmati
"I am the only supporter of my three daughters and a jobless husband and this beauty salon is the only source of income for my family," one salon owner said, highlighting the impact of the new decree.

The Taliban’s Unsustainable War on Drugs

The Taliban’s Unsustainable War on Drugs

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Afghanistan's opiate economy is unlikely to be disrupted by a one-off campaign of crop destruction in a handful of provinces.
Afghan Opposition Struggles Against Taliban Rule

Afghan Opposition Struggles Against Taliban Rule

By Ali Ahmad Safi
A more inclusive opposition front would reflect the aspirations and values of the Afghan people.

What Afghanistan’s Qosh Tepa Canal Means for Central Asia

What Afghanistan’s Qosh Tepa Canal Means for Central Asia

By Seamus Duffy
The Qosh Tepa canal issue essentially forces the Central Asian nations in the Amu Darya basin to make tradeoffs between regional instability and internal instability.
Don’t Normalize the Taliban’s Despotic Regime

Don’t Normalize the Taliban’s Despotic Regime

By Annie Pforzheimer and Asila Wardak
It’s unconscionable to take the side of a brutal dictatorship.

In Afghanistan, Taliban Face a Growing Threat in ISKP

In Afghanistan, Taliban Face a Growing Threat in ISKP

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
The Taliban are neither demonstrably capable of weakening ISKP, nor are they willing to accept any capacity enhancing external cooperation in this regard.

In Afghanistan, Women Give Up Freedom to Stay Alive

In Afghanistan, Women Give Up Freedom to Stay Alive

By Samina Ansari and Elliott Memmi
Far from seeing their rights as bargaining chips for aid, Afghan women live in a reality where the mounting restrictions also affect their ability to survive.

Taliban Erasing Women From Society in Afghanistan

Taliban Erasing Women From Society in Afghanistan

By Baktash Siawash
As Afghan women are being erased from society in Taliban-run Afghanistan, all Afghans will suffer. 
What Does a Taliban School Curriculum Look Like?

What Does a Taliban School Curriculum Look Like?

By Lauryn Oates
Out: depictions of living things, human rights, foreign inventors, and elections. In: the “seeds of hatred against Western countries” and the rest of the Taliban’s core ideology. 

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