
Kabul: Changing Amid Uncertainty
A trip to Kabul reveals a city in flux, and one with an uncertain future.

India-Pakistan: Business First
The road to reconciliation between India and Pakistan is likely to be a long one. But perhaps economic compulsions can overtake political ones.

What Does Musharraf’s Second Coming Mean for Pakistan?
The former dictator returns to a welcome that is likely to be turbulent, with uncertain consequences.

A Point of No Return for the U.S.-Afghan Relationship?
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has accused the U.S. of working with the Taliban. A diplomatic tailspin ensues.

The Afghan Army: Taking a Beating
Afghan casualties are on the rise as the United States and NATO shift their mission.

Peace in Afghanistan: Will Pakistan Play Ball?
A leaked peace plan sees Pakistan replacing the United States as kingmaker. Can the different sides come together?

Averting a Civil War in Afghanistan
The challenge: Incorporating the Taliban into the future of Afghanistan without sacrificing the rights of Afghans, especially women. Can it be done?

Russia and India: Brothers in Arms Against Terrorism?
“Thousands of terrorists and fundamentalists will seek refuge in Afghanistan…”

Afghanistan's "Green on Blue" Nightmare
Attacks on coalition troops by members of Afghan security forces endanger partnering programs and point to grave cultural misunderstandings.

Why Drone Strikes Cede 'Hearts and Minds' to Taliban
An incident in Kunar illustrates how NATO’s confused approach to counterinsurgency in Afghanistan is failing to meet its objectives.

A Forgotten Player in a Post-2014 Afghanistan: Uzbekistan
Tashkent’s proximity and ties to Afghanistan ensures it will play a central role in its future. The U.S. should enlist its help.

Iran Hedges its Bets in Afghanistan
Despite their sectarian divide and history, Tehran may be courting the Taliban to bolster its ability to retaliate from a possible strike on its nuclear program.