
Afghanistan’s Supply Problem
Will Afghan security forces be able to cope after the U.S. withdrawal? Ensuring supplies will be a concern.

Afghanistan’s Supply Problem
Will Afghan security forces be able to cope after the U.S. withdrawal? Ensuring supplies will be a concern.

Pakistan – Evolution or Revolution?
Despite rumors of an impending coup, Pakistan looks on course for early elections. But an Imran Khan win would see big changes to ties with the U.S.

The Failed State Label
Do states described as “failed” care about being handed the label? Afghan President Hamid Karzai certainly did.

Is Taliban Serious About Talks?
Plans to establish a Taliban political liaison office in Qatar suggest peace talks may finally make progress. But are the Taliban really ready to stop fighting?

Pakistan’s Roller Coaster 2012
Last year was an unsettling year for Pakistanis. With political upheaval and security threats looming, 2012 will likely bring more of the same.
Mullah Omar: Last Man Standing
Osama bin Laden is dead, but his close ally and Taliban chief Mullah Omar still complicates the future of Afghanistan.

Can Theater Transform Kabul?
A small theater in Kabul is giving young people hope that they can finally take control of their own destinies.

How Pakistan Kids Itself on China
Pakistani policymakers are wrong if they think Beijing will bankroll a break with Washington. China has no interest in pushing India into U.S. arms.
America’s Afghan Supply Problem
By Joshua Kucera

The COIN Fallacy
Counterinsurgency is increasingly being seen as a failure in Afghanistan. Was it flawed from the start?

Bonn Meet Falls Flat on Face
Without Pakistan and a Taliban presence, the Bonn conference on Afghanistan was always going to struggle. A conflicted U.S. policy doesn’t help.