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India Boosts Afghan Military Role

India’s military establishment is finalizing plans to train thousands of Afghan Army officers. Will New Delhi secure a first movers’ advantage?

Bomb Blasts Hit Kabul

Bomb Blasts Hit Kabul

Dozens are killed in a series of attacks aimed at Shia Muslims in the first big sectarian attacks in years.

The Folly of Drone Strikes

The Folly of Drone Strikes

The drone attacks employed by the U.S. in Pakistan are of questionable legality. They are also simply counter-productive.

The Endless Pakistan Tragedy

The Endless Pakistan Tragedy

The accidental killing of 24 Pakistani troops by NATO aircraft has prompted an angry response from Pakistan – and further dimmed any prospect of mutual trust.

Hamid Karzai’s Poison Pill

Hamid Karzai’s Poison Pill

The Afghan president has laid out the conditions for an extended U.S. military presence. But with opposition to his rule growing, can Karzai hold on?

The New Silk Road?

The New Silk Road?

By Joshua Kucera
The United States hopes that a combination of trade and infrastructure can help steer Afghanistan away from unrest – and Russia.

Pakistan’s India "Bogeyman"

Pakistan’s India "Bogeyman"

Pakistan spends too much time worrying about India’s influence in Afghanistan. Stability is the key.

Clinton’s Central Asia Mission

Hillary Clinton’s trip to Central Asia was a welcome effort to encourage regional integration to help stabilize Afghanistan. But it’s only a start.

Why Russia Fears US Afghan Plan

Why Russia Fears US Afghan Plan

By Joshua Kucera
Having feared the US entry into Afghanistan, some in Russia now fear the United States’ exit will make it a bigger target for Islamic militants.

Big Tent Key to Saving Afghanistan

Big Tent Key to Saving Afghanistan

The US and Afghan governments need to rethink the current peace process. Striking a deal with the Taliban is no magic bullet.

Rabbani's Death Blow to India

Rabbani's Death Blow to India

The assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani is a blow to the Afghan peace process and India’s security.

US Takes Gloves Off With Pakistan

US Takes Gloves Off With Pakistan

Admiral Mike Mullen’s warning that Pakistan is using extremism as an instrument of policy marked a major change in US tone. Will Pakistan respond?

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