

Controversial Movie About Cricket Legend Creates Dissatisfaction Among the Tamil Community

Controversial Movie About Cricket Legend Creates Dissatisfaction Among the Tamil Community

By Jeevethan Selvachandran
The Sri Lankan cricketer Muttiah Muralitharan is perceived to be close to the Rajapaksa brothers despite being an ethnic Tamil.

Sri Lanka: Hope for Minorities?

Sri Lanka: Hope for Minorities?

By Neha Sinha
Any optimism felt by the country’s beleaguered minorities remains tempered.
UN Slams Australia on Asylum Seekers

UN Slams Australia on Asylum Seekers

By Jarni Blakkarly
Reports that Australian authorities have handed Tamils back to Sri Lanka spark international criticism.

Connecting the Dots on Buddhist Fundamentalism

Connecting the Dots on Buddhist Fundamentalism

By Vishal Arora
There has been a rise in Buddhist extremism in several Asian countries recently. Is there a link?

Sri Lanka: Tamil Struggle Continues

Sri Lanka: Tamil Struggle Continues

By Kim Wall
With the Rajapaksa regime intransigent, Tamils hope that foreign pressure can provide the impetus for change.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Sri Lanka: Engaging the Diaspora

Sri Lanka: Engaging the Diaspora

A robust policy on diaspora engagement remains critical to domestic stability and international relations in postwar Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka’s Muslims in the Cross Hairs

Sri Lanka’s Muslims in the Cross Hairs

By Sudha Ramachandran
Turning their attention from Tamils, Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists are now targeting the island's Muslim minority.
When Buddhists Turn Nasty

When Buddhists Turn Nasty

Muslims face violence in Burma and Sri Lanka. Charu Lata Hogg asks why.

Sri Lanka: War is Over but Tensions Run High

Sri Lanka: War is Over but Tensions Run High

By Sudha Ramachandran
Three years after the Tamil Tiger's defeat, the underlying issues that caused Sri Lanka's civil war are once again coming to a head.

'Sri Lanka's Killing Fields'

'Sri Lanka's Killing Fields'

The Diplomat speaks with Callum Macrae, director of ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields,’ about his documentary film and the controversy surrounding it.

EU Pushing Sri Lanka Toward China

EU Pushing Sri Lanka Toward China

Western pressure on Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa over the defeat of the Tamil Tigers risks creating another Burma.

The Road to Normalcy

The Road to Normalcy

The defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam last May has breathed new life into the democratic process for once marginalised groups in Tamil politics, says Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe. And, as Sri Lankans prepare to head to the polls, he says a new optimism is emerging that their society can be rebuilt.

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