

US Tariffs Against China: It’s National Security, Stupid 

US Tariffs Against China: It’s National Security, Stupid 

By Denny Roy
Maximizing economic efficiency, the goal of most critics of tariffs, will not deliver national security.
How Many Xi-Trump Personal Truces Will It Take to End the Trade War?

How Many Xi-Trump Personal Truces Will It Take to End the Trade War?

By Ankit Panda
The Osaka “truce” just happened. How long until it falls apart and the trade war cycle repeats itself?

The US-China Trade War: The Case of Kentucky Bourbon

The US-China Trade War: The Case of Kentucky Bourbon

By Robert Farley
The bourbon wars hold important lessons for how Americans think about trade policy.

The US-China Trade War Has No Winners—Yet

The US-China Trade War Has No Winners—Yet

By Dingding Chen
Neither the United States nor China is winning right now and the trade war will be a long one.

No War But Trade War

No War But Trade War

By Robert Farley
The trade war that Trump has initiated will hurt the United States, but the hope appears to be that it will hurt the Chinese more.
US-China Trade Relations: Impending Trade War?   

US-China Trade Relations: Impending Trade War?   

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from William Perry.

US-China Trade Tensions Worsen

US-China Trade Tensions Worsen

By Zachary Torrey
Could the Trump administration's moves against China spark a trade war?
What's on Trump's Mind Before the Mar-a-Lago Summit With Xi Jinping

What's on Trump's Mind Before the Mar-a-Lago Summit With Xi Jinping

By Ankit Panda
North Korea and trade are high on Trump's mind ahead of his meeting next week with the Chinese president.

How China and South Korea Hurt the Green Economy

How China and South Korea Hurt the Green Economy

By Philip Stevens
Tariff cuts are needed to spark green growth, but Beijing and Seoul are resisting.

Over-Politicized 'Overcapacity' at US-China Dialogue

Over-Politicized 'Overcapacity' at US-China Dialogue

By Lu Chen
China's overcapacity has replaced currency manipulation as the latest excuse for U.S. protectionism.

South Korean Steel and the Trans-Pacific Tariff War

South Korean Steel and the Trans-Pacific Tariff War

By Yong Kwon
America's tariffs against South Korean steel are indicative are larger problems plaguing Asia's economies.
China, US Clash Kills IT Trade Agreement

China, US Clash Kills IT Trade Agreement

The collapse of the ITA signifies why one shouldn’t be optimistic about broader US-China cooperation on trade issues.

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