Japan’s F-35 Gamble
Japan has just signed up for the F-35 fighter. It’s not the only Asian country that’s been thinking about this.
Japan’s F-35 Gamble
Japan has just signed up for the F-35 fighter. It’s not the only Asian country that’s been thinking about this.
Japan Offically Selects F-35
Japan has officially selected the U.S. F-35 for its next generation fighter aircraft. Was there a better choice?
Did Iran Hack U.S. Drone?
An Iranian engineer claims Iran was able to hack the GPS of a U.S. drone to bring it down. Could it?
Iran's Drone Fake?
Iran is claiming to have America’s RQ-170 UAV drone seemingly intact. Some suspect the images were faked.
U.S. "Mulled Retrieving Drone"
The U.S. considered sending in Special Forces to retrieve a downed drone in Iran, reports suggest.
Can North Korea Come in From Cold?
Will North Korea ever abandon its nuclear program? And who is it helping acquire weapons? The Diplomat speaks with leading North Korea analyst Mark Fitzpatrick.
China’s Starter Carrier No Shock
China’s new carrier should come as no shock. It’s part of the natural evolution of China’s naval capabilities.
China’s Starter Carrier No Shock
China’s new carrier should come as no shock. It’s part of the natural evolution of China’s naval capabilities.
Talking iPad in Asia
The iPad in Asia. What does it mean for big business, the printed book and even restaurants?
Japan’s Eye Flavor
Sci-fi concept-turned-reality hits Japanese malls and soon…the world.
Asia Gets Facebooked
Asian Facebook users surge. So how can businesses jump on board of this trend?