Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz Blocking State Department Nominees Over Nord Stream 2
By Catherine Putz
With news of a deal on the pipeline, Cruz isn’t getting what he wants. Will he finally let important diplomatic posts be filled?

Has the US Turned Against Free Trade Agreements?
By Kithmina Hewage
Distrust of free trade and globalization is the one thing all the U.S. presidential candidates seem to have in common.

China’s Role in the US Presidential Campaign
By Amitai Etzioni
Campaign trail rhetoric on China may leave the TPP in doubt.

US Senate Votes to Give Chinese Embassy a New Address: 1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza
By Shannon Tiezzi
A small but telling example of US election politicking affecting the U.S.-China relationship.

GOP Debate #4: Presidential vs. Personal
By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
Candidates focused more on presidential politics, and less on personal sparring.

The Politics of Rebalance: The Future of US Leadership In Asia
By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
How will U.S. presidential candidates frame the future of U.S. policy towards Asia?
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