
Can Taiwan Block Telegram?
By Charles Mok
Taiwan, like many other liberal democracies, is grappling with the question of how to deal with illegal content on internet platforms.

How Pro-Russia Influencers Framed Taiwan’s Elections on Telegram
By Levi Bochantin
An investigation into pro-Kremlin Telegram users reveals Russia’s influence operations regarding Taiwan’s sovereignty and democracy.

Uzbekistan Unblocks Twitter, TikTok Still Restricted
By Catherine Putz
The blocking and unblocking of certain social media platforms over the last year stems from a data localization law signed in January 2021.

Uzbekistan’s Efforts at Forcing Data Localization Backfire
By Catherine Putz
The head of the state communications regulator was fired swiftly after popular social media sites and apps were restricted for failing to comply with data localization laws.

Telegram Sex Slave Video Scandal Hits South Korea
By Tae-jun Kang
Yet another disturbing example of “rape culture” in South Korea has the public demanding government action.

The Taliban’s Latest Battlefield: Social Media
By Austin Bodetti
The Taliban has drastically ramped up its presence on services like Twitter and WhatsApp in the past few years.
Myanmar’s Telegram System Still Active
By Justin Calderon
Despite the arrival of modern technology, an older form of communication is alive and well.
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