Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense

South Korea's New Government Suspends THAAD Deployment Pending Environmental Assessment
By Ankit Panda
The South Korean presidential office has said the deployment of additional THAAD launchers will be delayed.

THAAD and China's Nuclear Second-Strike Capability
By Ankit Panda
China may be afraid that THAAD will degrade its own nuclear second-strike capability.

US Starts Deploying THAAD Anti-Missile Defense System in South Korea
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The move is likely to deepen the growing rift between Beijing and Seoul.

What Is THAAD, What Does It Do, and Why Is China Mad About It?
By Ankit Panda
Hint: It's not about the THAAD interceptor missiles themselves.

2 Chinese Fighters Entered South Korea's Air Defense Identification Zone
By Ankit Panda
Was China trying to send a message?

Missile Defense and the North Korean Nuclear Threat
By Stefan Soesanto
Trilateral missile defense could be a turning point in dealing with the North Korean nuclear threat.
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