
terrorism in Central Asia

Untangling Webs of Corruption: Trafficking and Terrorism in Central Asia

Untangling Webs of Corruption: Trafficking and Terrorism in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
Interview with Mariya Y. Omelicheva and Lawrence P. Markowitz.
Edward Lemon on Tajikistan’s Trajectory

Edward Lemon on Tajikistan’s Trajectory

By Catherine Putz
A discussion of dams, terrorism, and nepotocracy in Tajikistan.

Kyrgyzstan's Problematic Extremist Materials Law

Kyrgyzstan's Problematic Extremist Materials Law

By Catherine Putz
In a new report, Human Rights Watch says Kyrgyzstan’s extremist materials law is vague and open to easy abuse.

Why Tajik Authorities Are Denying the Reality of the Islamic State Attack

Why Tajik Authorities Are Denying the Reality of the Islamic State Attack

By Catherine Putz
Dushanbe has essentially called the video reportedly showing the attackers pledging allegiance to the Islamic State a false flag.

Central Asia Is Not a Breeding Ground for Radicalization

Central Asia Is Not a Breeding Ground for Radicalization

By Svante Cornell
Both in Europe and the United States, this argument is made with increasing frequency but it doesn't reflect reality.
What’s All the Fuss About Terrorism in Central Asia?

What’s All the Fuss About Terrorism in Central Asia?

By Paolo Sorbello
Reports from Central Asia about a future doomed to violent Islamic extremism in the region are thin on evidence.

St. Petersburg Blast Suspect a Kyrgyz-Born, Russian Citizen

St. Petersburg Blast Suspect a Kyrgyz-Born, Russian Citizen

By Catherine Putz
Authorities say 22-year old Akbarjon Jalilov carried out the attack. The motive has not been identified.
US, UK Embassies Issue Terror Warning for Kyrgyzstan

US, UK Embassies Issue Terror Warning for Kyrgyzstan

By Catherine Putz
Both warn of possible terror attacks and kidnapping in October, but provide few other details.

Russian, Tajik, Chinese 'Traces' on Bishkek Embassy Bombing

Russian, Tajik, Chinese 'Traces' on Bishkek Embassy Bombing

By Catherine Putz
The August 30 attack on the Chinese Embassy in Bishkek was reportedly funded from abroad.

Suicide Attack on Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan

Suicide Attack on Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan

By Catherine Putz
A car rammed the embassy's gate and detonated a bomb inside the compound. Three Kyrgyz workers were injured.

Brits Blacklist East Turkestan Islamic Movement

Brits Blacklist East Turkestan Islamic Movement

By Catherine Putz
And U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice had "a candid exchange" about ETIM during her recent visit to Beijing.
A Trafficking-Terrorism Nexus in Central Asia

A Trafficking-Terrorism Nexus in Central Asia

By Mariya Y. Omelicheva and Lawrence Markowitz
"The nexus is a 21st century challenge for Central Asia that requires concerted national and international efforts."

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