
Thai Monarchy

Thailand’s Grand Reconciliation: The Shinawatras and the Establishment

Thailand’s Grand Reconciliation: The Shinawatras and the Establishment

By James Buchanan
The rift between Thaksin and the establishment finally appears to have been resolved. This compromise not only fails to address any of Thailand’s past mistakes, but it actually repeats them.
Will Thailand Ever Repeal Its Archaic Lese Majeste Law?

Will Thailand Ever Repeal Its Archaic Lese Majeste Law?

By Sebastian Strangio
An exiled Thai professor talks about his campaign to abolish the controversial law, which criminalizes criticisms of the country's monarchy.

Thai Court Says Calls for Royal Reform May be Seditious

Thai Court Says Calls for Royal Reform May be Seditious

By Grant Peck
The demand for reform of the monarchy is the most radical and controversial as the royal institution has rarely faced public scrutiny.

In Bangkok, Protests Again Take Aim at the Monarchy

In Bangkok, Protests Again Take Aim at the Monarchy

By Sebastian Strangio
The weekend's demonstrations indicate that the momentum for political reform is unlikely to dissipate any time soon.

Thailand’s Protests: Between the Old and the New

Thailand’s Protests: Between the Old and the New

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Beyond the headlines, what do the current protests tell us about the country’s present and future?
Thai Man Forced Into Psychiatric Hospital Over T-shirt Motto 

Thai Man Forced Into Psychiatric Hospital Over T-shirt Motto 

By Associated Press
After posting a picture of himself wearing a t-shirt with the statement “I have lost all faith in the institution of monarchy,” Tiwakorn Vithiton was forcibly hospitalized.

As Coronation Begins, What’s Next for the Thai Monarchy?

As Coronation Begins, What’s Next for the Thai Monarchy?

By Grant Peck
King Vajiralongkorn will finally be officially coronated, over two years after the death of beloved King Bhumibol.
Thai Princess’ Political Bid Sunk by Her Brother, the King

Thai Princess’ Political Bid Sunk by Her Brother, the King

By Grant Peck
It's unlikely we'll ever know just what happened behind the scenes before and after Ubolratana's shock announcement.

Bhumibol Adulyadej and Buddhist Kingship in Thailand

Bhumibol Adulyadej and Buddhist Kingship in Thailand

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Rama IX served as a revered symbol and also shielded his country from the worst consequences of its political instability.

Thailand: The Price of ‘Happiness’

Thailand: The Price of ‘Happiness’

By Serhat Ünaldi
On the two-year anniversary of the 2014 coup, Thais wonder if it's brought the security and prosperity promised.

A Thai Princess' Fairy Tale Comes to an End

A Thai Princess' Fairy Tale Comes to an End

By Pavin Chachavalpongpun
Thailand’s Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn has divorced his third wife, Srirasmi.
Thailand’s Misplaced Police Priority

Thailand’s Misplaced Police Priority

By Pavin Chachavalpongpun
The new Thai police chief says tackling anti-monarchists is his top priority. He risks deepening divisions in the country.

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