Thailand protests 2020
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The Internet as Battleground in Thailand’s COVID-19 Tinderbox Moment
By Colleen Scribner
Online tools have been invaluable for Thailand's pro-democracy movement – but the government is cracking down.

In Thailand, a Political Movement’s Choice of Logo Prompts Controversy
By Sebastian Strangio
The choice has prompted a debate as to whether the useof communist imagery will help or hinder the protesters' cause.

The LGBT Community Joins the Thai Protests
By Ana Salvá
Renewed demands for equal rights from Thailand’s LGBT activists have accompanied the recent pro-democracy protests.

US Senate Resolution Voices Support for Thai Protesters
By Sebastian Strangio
But making such support U.S. policy would undoubtedly create tensions between Washington and Bangkok.

More Evidence Emerges of Thai Royalist Influence Campaign
By Sebastian Strangio
Thousands of recently-created Twitter accounts beamed out royalist hashtags intended to counter rising online mockery of the monarchy.

As Protests Grow, Thailand’s Authorities Dust Off Royal Defamation Law
By Sebastian Strangio
This revival of lese-majeste law marks an escalation in the authorities’ campaign against rising pro-democracy protests.

Thai Protesters, Police Clash as MPs Mull Charter Change
By Associated Press
The parliamentary session is Prime Minister Prayut's way of seizing the initiative after months of anti-government protesters.
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