Thailand student protests

Report Shines Light on Thailand’s Women Protest Leaders
By Sebastian Strangio
Young women protest leaders have connected the movement's political demands to a deeper critique of Thailand's patriarchal social norms.

Thailand Imposes ‘Severe’ State of Emergency to Quash Pro-Democracy Protests
By Sebastian Strangio
While the move will dampen public protests, it will do little to address the concerns that have pushed so many Thais into the streets.

Scenes From Thailand’s Massive Protests Demanding Reform
By Cory Wright
For months, protesters in Thailand have called for reforms. This weekend as many as 100,000 protesters descended on Bangkok.

The Dark Memory of 1976 Hangs Over Thailand’s Student Activists
By Jake Black
The 1976 Thammasat massacre serves as a horrific reminder of what can happen to those who criticize Thailand’s monarchy.

Thailand’s Student-led Anti-government Protests Grow
By Associated Press
The student-led protest movement has declared three core demands: holding new elections, amending the constitution, and ending the intimidation of critics of the government.

What ASEAN Can Learn from Thailand’s Student Massacre
By Mong Palatino
Lessons for the region from the 1976 Thammasat University massacre.
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