
Thaksin Shinawatra

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Street Protests: Holding A Country Ransom

Street Protests: Holding A Country Ransom

By Andong Peng
Crowds in capital cities are exercising a disproportionate influence on political crises – and they are being abetted by inadequate foreign reporting
Thailand Election by the Numbers

Thailand Election by the Numbers

By Mong Palatino
Despite strong overall voter turnout, some Thais were left unable to cast a ballot.

Elections No Fix for Thailand’s Political Problems

Elections No Fix for Thailand’s Political Problems

By Tim LaRocco
The fissures from the Shinawatra era run deep, and won’t be bridged any time soon.

Can the King’s Speech Pacify Thailand?

Can the King’s Speech Pacify Thailand?

By Wenchi Yu
While offering a temporary respite from the protests, the aging King cannot solve the broader issues dividing Thailand.

Thailand’s Provocative Protesters

Thailand’s Provocative Protesters

By Mong Palatino
Past demonstrations may give insight into the current Yellow Shirt/Red Shirt clashes.
Thai Tensions Escalate as Protests Gain Momentum

Thai Tensions Escalate as Protests Gain Momentum

Yellow Shirts lash out against Yingluck, Thaksin, and one unfortunate journalist.

Thailand: Same Faces, New Crisis

Thailand: Same Faces, New Crisis

Attempts to pass an amnesty bill have taken Thailand to the brink of yet another political crisis.

Indonesia Strike for Pay Hike; Thai Protest vs. Amnesty Bill

Indonesia Strike for Pay Hike; Thai Protest vs. Amnesty Bill

Indonesians push for an increased minimum wage as Thais rally against corruption.

Thai Amnesty Paves Way for Thaksin’s Return

Thai Amnesty Paves Way for Thaksin’s Return

Thailand’s parliament passes a controversial bill that will allow former PM Thaksin Shinawatra to return.

Does Thai Amnesty Bill Herald Thaksin’s Return?

Does Thai Amnesty Bill Herald Thaksin’s Return?

Amid debate over a proposed amnesty bill, tensions rise and rumors of a coup grip Thailand.

Thailand’s Proposed Amnesty Law Sows Seeds of Discontent

Thailand’s Proposed Amnesty Law Sows Seeds of Discontent

Protestors are filling Bangkok’s streets, calling for justice for past political bloodshed.

Thailand’s Little-Known Peace Process

Thailand’s Little-Known Peace Process

Can a Malaysia-facilitated initiative finally bring an end to conflict in Southern Thailand?

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