The Kashmir Files

Bollywood’s Role in Hindutva’s 2024 Election Strategy
By Basit Parray and Nuzhat Khan
An increasing number of politically-motivated films are mobilizing Indian voters, especially the youth, toward voting for the BJP.

How the BJP Uses Cinema and False Communal Narratives to Further Its Divisive Agenda
By Kavita Chowdhury
The film "The Kerala Story" claims that 32,000 Hindu women of Kerala were converted to Islam and recruited into the Islamic State.

India Is Squandering Its Two Big Advantages Over China
By Mohamed Zeeshan
The BJP government’s communal politics at home has divided the Indian diaspora and undermined Bollywood’s soft power appeal.

India’s Hindutva Proponents and Zionist Israel: Strange Bedfellows
By Kavita Chowdhury
Although they share a strong affinity in outlook, goals, and methods, Hindutva ideologues were also fanboys of Adolf Hitler.

Israeli Filmmaker’s Comments on Kashmir Film Stoke Controversy
By Sheikh Saliq
Filmaker Nadav Lapid’s comment that “The Kashmir Files” is a “vulgar movie” and “propaganda” evoked a sharp response from Israel's ambassador to India.
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