Thein Sein

Myanmar’s Candidate Controversies
By Yola Verbruggen
The opposition NLD is coming under fire for its choice of candidates, amid fears of a split within the party.

Myanmar’s Elections: Jostling for Power
By Rajiv Bhatia
Who might emerge from the uncertainty that surrounds Myanmar’s upcoming polls?

Crocodile Tears for the Rohingya
By Luke Hunt
Political realities within the region worsen the plight of an oppressed minority.

Myanmar Acquits Journalist’s Killers Amid Muslim Exodus
By Luke Hunt
“Naypyidaw is under a harsh spotlight.”

Myanmar’s Election Day May Be Only a Step Toward Democracy
By Joshua Kurlantzick
The election day may be free and fair, but that will not necessarily usher in a truly democratic government.
Why the Fighting in Kokang Threatens Peace in Myanmar
By Priscilla Clapp
The turmoil on Myanmar’s border with China has potentially significant implications.

Have Myanmar’s Armed Forces Gone Too Far?
By Hunter Marston and Andrew Morgan
Recent events show just how far Myanmar has to travel on the road to reform.

The Explosive Politics of Voting Rights in Myanmar
By Oren Samet
The prospects for the country’s beleaguered Rohingya appear bleak.

Kachin and China’s Troubled Border
By Brent Crane
The Kachin conflict is a thorn in China’s side as it tries to manage its relations with Myanmar.

Myanmar Elections: Incumbency May Thwart Opposition Victory
By Oren Samet
Expecting the opposition NLD to coast to victory overlooks the potential power of the incumbency.

A Make or Break Year for Myanmar
By Hunter Marston
With elections, ceasefire negotiations, and constitutional measures, 2015 will be a major test for the fledgling democracy.

American Foreign Policy and Myanmar’s Democratic Transition
By Aung Tun
Ensuring that political dialogue is maintained will be crucial for the transition.