Theodore Roosevelt

The Geopolitics of Port Calls
TR sent the Great White Fleet around the world to deter as much as for pageantry. Not much has changed.

George P. Brady: A Story of Valor
The Naval Diplomat recounts the story of a veteran and Medal of Honor recipient from the Spanish-American War.

Airsea Battle With Chinese Characteristics
Beijing’s approach to seapower is remarkably similar to the U.S. Navy in the age of Mahan and Roosevelt.

History's Lens: How to Look at China
What is the better optic for looking at today’s China: Bismarckian/Wilhelmine Germany, or post-Meiji Japan?

History Not Worth Emulating
“Americans and their leaders made the conscious political choice not to field a great navy—and paid a heavy price for that decision.”

America’s Southward-Looking Mental Map
How an artificial waterway reoriented a nation’s worldview, foreign policy, and maritime strategy.
Channelling Roosevelt in Asia
The waters around Asia are of growing strategic importance to the US. It’s time for some Roosevelt-like attention.