Third Offset

Is China Pulling Off Its Own ’Offset’ Strategy?
By Robert Farley
If China has an offset strategy of its own, what’s it about?

COMCASA and the Future of India's Defense Industrial Base
By Robert Farley
Greater U.S.-India defense integration is expected to continue.

Why We Need Philosophers in the Pentagon
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In our ‘post-truth’ world we need to rediscover the urgency of philosophical inquiry.

Signs of Diminishing Returns for US Military Investment Against A2/AD
By Steven Stashwick
Trends show U.S. could maintain its military edge and still fight to a draw in the future.

Getting the Right World War I Metaphor for a US-China Clash
By Steven Stashwick
The Great War has less to tell us about how a Pacific War might start than what it might look like.

A New War in the Pacific Could be ‘Trench Warfare’ at Sea
By Steven Stashwick
Recent studies suggest A2/AD and AirSea Battle lead to costly stalemate, not victory.

Pentagon Wants 'Arsenal Planes' to Beat China's Air Defenses
By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has a plan to convert old warplanes into heavily armed “flying launchpads.”

New US Defense Budget: $18 Billion for Third Offset Strategy
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Pentagon wants to spend more money to offset Anti-Area/Access-Denial (A2/AD) technologies.

A Dual-Use Dilemma in US-China Defense Industrial Interaction
By Robert Farley
China may be gaining access to U.S. tech through perfectly legal means. What can the United States do?
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