
third offset strategy

Why We Need Philosophers in the Pentagon

Why We Need Philosophers in the Pentagon

By Franz-Stefan Gady
In our ‘post-truth’ world we need to rediscover the urgency of philosophical inquiry.

Leveraging the Third Offset Strategy in the US-Japan Alliance

Leveraging the Third Offset Strategy in the US-Japan Alliance

By Yuki Tatsumi and Pamela Kennedy
The innovation central to the Third Offset Strategy could take the U.S.-Japan alliance even higher.
Pentagon's ‘Third Offset’ in the US ‘Rebalance to Asia’

Pentagon's ‘Third Offset’ in the US ‘Rebalance to Asia’

By Steven Stashwick
Why it is important to understand the role of emerging “third offset” capabilities and operational concepts.

Getting the Right World War I Metaphor for a US-China Clash

Getting the Right World War I Metaphor for a US-China Clash

By Steven Stashwick
The Great War has less to tell us about how a Pacific War might start than what it might look like.

A New War in the Pacific Could be ‘Trench Warfare’ at Sea

A New War in the Pacific Could be ‘Trench Warfare’ at Sea

By Steven Stashwick
Recent studies suggest A2/AD and AirSea Battle lead to costly stalemate, not victory.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Perry in Japan, War in the Pacific, and the Rise of China

Perry in Japan, War in the Pacific, and the Rise of China

By Steven Stashwick
The United States has spooked a rising Pacific power before.

Robotics Diplomacy and the US-Japan Alliance

Robotics Diplomacy and the US-Japan Alliance

By James Schoff
Both the US and Japan are seeking help from private industry to advance high-tech innovation on robotics.
Pentagon Wants 'Arsenal Planes' to Beat China's Air Defenses

Pentagon Wants 'Arsenal Planes' to Beat China's Air Defenses

By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has a plan to convert old warplanes into heavily armed “flying launchpads.”

New US Defense Budget: $18 Billion for Third Offset Strategy

New US Defense Budget: $18 Billion for Third Offset Strategy

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Pentagon wants to spend more money to offset Anti-Area/Access-Denial (A2/AD) technologies.

Should the US Fear China’s New Space Weapons?

Should the US Fear China’s New Space Weapons?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Beijing is working on a host of different weapon systems designed to destroy or disable U.S. satellites in space.

Star Wars: The US Gets Ready to Battle China and Russia in Space

Star Wars: The US Gets Ready to Battle China and Russia in Space

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The American military will set up a new command center to better coordinate responses to attacks in space.
The Pentagon's Third Offset Strategy: What US Allies and Partners Need to Know

The Pentagon's Third Offset Strategy: What US Allies and Partners Need to Know

By Van Jackson
What's behind the Pentagon's thinking?

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