

A Thucydides Fallacy: The New Model of Power Relations for Southeast Asia, the US, and China

A Thucydides Fallacy: The New Model of Power Relations for Southeast Asia, the US, and China

By Danny Quah
Have Southeast Asia, the United States, and China shifted to a new model of power relations?
Thucydides and US Politics Revisited

Thucydides and US Politics Revisited

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Greek historian’s lessons for contemporary politics are not as straightforward as some commentators suggest.

Hey Policy Wonks, This Is How You Should Read Thucydides

Hey Policy Wonks, This Is How You Should Read Thucydides

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Authors like Thucydides require careful reading and musing to get to the core of their arguments.

Thucydides’ Ignored Lesson

Thucydides’ Ignored Lesson

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Forget quick victories; great power wars are usually determined by protracted attrition warfare.

Of Course China, Like All Great Powers, Will Ignore an International Legal Verdict

Of Course China, Like All Great Powers, Will Ignore an International Legal Verdict

By Graham Allison
In ignoring an upcoming verdict on the South China Sea, Beijing is following well-established precedent by great powers.
Is Thucydides Helpful in Explaining Sino-US Relations?

Is Thucydides Helpful in Explaining Sino-US Relations?

By Alek Chance
Is conflict exceedingly likely when a rising power approaches parity with an established power?

Fighting Ebola? Read Thucydides

Fighting Ebola? Read Thucydides

By James R. Holmes
Thucydides isn't entirely silent on the topic of civilizational encounter with plague.
US-China-Japan: Beware the ‘Megarian Trap’

US-China-Japan: Beware the ‘Megarian Trap’

By Vasilis Trigkas
Classical antiquity offers a lesson in the perils of economic warfare.

The Perils of Island Warfare

The Perils of Island Warfare

By James R. Holmes
It’s a lot easier to take an island than it is to hold on to it.

The Anatomy of Peaceful Power Transitions

The Anatomy of Peaceful Power Transitions

By James R. Holmes
World War I provides a nice contrast to the violent power transitions of Thucydides’ day.

Rome, Carthage and US-China Relations

Rome, Carthage and US-China Relations

By James R. Holmes
With all this Thucydidesmania, it’s easy to forget the important lessons the Punic Wars might offer China and the US.
Why Russia Yearns for Empire

Why Russia Yearns for Empire

By James R. Holmes
A primal instinct was behind Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and its one shared by other powers.

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