
Preserving History and The Long Peace
By James R. Holmes

The Naval Diplomat's Top 10 Books About the Sea
James Holmes gives us his top ten books on naval warfare and diplomacy.

How Japan’s Military Should Change
“Providing the best defense possible while affronting the fewest audiences possible should be Tokyo’s goal.”

The Thucydides Trap and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands
The decision to nationalize the islands was driven by China’s rise and the fear this sparked in Japan.

Beware the "Thucydides Trap" Trap
Why the U.S. and China aren’t necessarily Athens and Sparta or Britain and Germany before WWI.

Pestilence, Natural Disasters and Death
Our Naval Diplomat notes that the nondiscriminatory character of natural disasters is worth remembering.

Thucydides, War and Natural Disasters
“There’s no point being bitter about a tsunami or storm. It takes an enemy to envenom human affairs.”

Thucydides, Japan and America
As Tokyo and Washington revise their defense guidelines, a look to one of ancient Greece’s most renowned scholars would be wise.