Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen: ‘Deng Xiaoping Clearly Wanted to Make a Statement’
By Zachary Keck

Arrests, Censorship and Propaganda: China's Tiananmen Anniversary Dance
By Tyler Roney

China’s Tiananmen Rocker Pulls Out of State TV Performance
By Angela Erika Kubo

China Attacks: Not the Usual Suspects
The recent suicide terror attacks expose problems in China’s administrative and judicial systems.
Call Tiananmen Attack What It Was: Terrorism
Why have Western media outlets been so reluctant to call the attack what it really was?

Rights Groups Doubt Uyghur Involvement in Tiananmen Attack
Uyghur activists fear China will use suicide attack as an excuse to crack down further in Xinjiang.

Tiananmen Square After 24 years: A Vigil and Big Yellow Ducks
References to Tiananmen Square are becoming increasingly difficult for Beijing to suppress.

Chen Exposes Communist Goliath
The case of Chen Guangcheng has exposed how fragile the Chinese Communist Party’s control may be. The incompetence of its repressive apparatus has been exposed.

EU Should Keep China Arms Embargo
Some European nations want the 20-year embargo on sales to China lifted. Their arguments are strong, but the arguments for not lifting it are stronger.

Can Hong Kong Control Own Fate?
This month’s selection of a pro-Beijing chief executive sparked anger in Hong Kong. The city has a long and awkward history of being at the mercy of others.

Are China and US Destined to Clash?
August 1 is Army Day in China. Recent improvements in Sino-US military ties are welcome, but conflicting interests mean tensions might still be inevitable.

Why Jasmine Died in China
Fear, lack of information and a government crackdown killed the chances of a Jasmine Revolution here.