Timor-Leste human rights

Celebrating Democracy and Peace in Timor-Leste
By Fausto Belo Ximenes
20 years after its independence referendum, Timor-Leste’s success story has lessons for the region and beyond.

Timor-Leste Remembers Indonesia’s Slain Human Rights Hero
By Bikash Kumar Bhattacharya
Timorese victims of Indonesian occupation speak of murdered human rights defender Munir Said Thalib.

A Luta Continua: LGBTI Rights in Timor-Leste
By Bardia Rahmani
Timor-Leste is seen as a bright spot when it comes to LGBTI rights in Southeast Asia, but many challenges remain.

Silverio Pinto Baptista on Human Rights Challenges in Timor-Leste
By Khoo Ying Hooi
An interview with the head of Timor-Leste’s national human rights institution.
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