
Tohoku Earthquake

Why Fears About Fukushima Water Release Are Overblown

Why Fears About Fukushima Water Release Are Overblown

The release of ALPS-treated water will have no physical effects on people or the environment.

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Japan, Triggering Tsunami Alert

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Off Japan, Triggering Tsunami Alert

By Ankit Panda
The earthquake took place 32 miles off the Japanese mainland, in the Pacific Ocean.
Narrow Road to the North: Religious Sites in Tōhoku

Narrow Road to the North: Religious Sites in Tōhoku

By John W. Traphagan
Every day is a journey, and the journey itself home. Matsuo Bashō

Natural Disasters: Preparing for the Big One

Natural Disasters: Preparing for the Big One

By Martin Lasater
The vulnerable Asia-Pacific needs broader engagement in disaster planning

Sendai: A Tale of Football and Hope

Sendai: A Tale of Football and Hope

A film tells the story of football’s role in rebuilding Sendai after the March 2011 earthquake.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Japan’s Growing Military Confidence

Japan’s Growing Military Confidence

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces performed admirably after last year’s tsunami. Expect a more confident force to play a growing role in disaster response.

What Japan Must Do Now

What Japan Must Do Now

Japan has made extraordinary progress in recovering from last year’s earthquake and tsunami. But will political bickering stop progress in its tracks?

Children of the Tsunami

Children of the Tsunami

A year after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, Japanese children display remarkable resilience.

Japan’s Future in the Balance

Japan’s Future in the Balance

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has a chance to rescue Japan’s economy with a key free trade agreement. Failure to seize it could result in terminal decline.

Japan's Cybercrime Problem

Japan's Cybercrime Problem

Cyber criminals have been quick to exploit the March 11 earthquake and nuclear disaster in Japan.

Fukushima and Cultural Superiority

Fukushima and Cultural Superiority

As the nuclear crisis is dissected by commentators, some have turned to cultural stereotypes to explain the problems. It’s a dangerous approach.

Japan’s Necessary Nuclear Future

Japan’s Necessary Nuclear Future

Any big shift from nuclear power will take years. It’s time for Japan’s politicians to show some leadership to ensure the country’s reactors get back online.

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