TPP negotiations

The 2-Level Game in Japan’s Agriculture Trade Negotiations
By Zhuoran Li
The Japanese agriculture sector has a long history of obstructing international trade talks.

What Does China Think of the TPP?
By Shannon Tiezzi
China is taking a wait-and-see approach on the U.S.-led trade deal.

What's Next for the TPP?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Next steps for the TPP and implications for the U.S. and Asia-Pacific.

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Hawaii Talks End Without Deal
By Anthony Fensom
Progress, but no deal on the TPP, as time runs short.

No, the TPP Does Not Threaten State Sovereignty
By Sinclaire Prowse
In defense of the TPP's Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions.

Finishing the TPP: It’s Not Just About the US Congress
By Prashanth Parameswaran
With all the attention on Capitol Hill, some perspective is needed on the endgame.
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