
Why the New Sri Lanka-Singapore Free Trade Pact Matters
By Ganeshan Wignaraja and Divya Hundlani
A closer look at a significant agreement between the two sides.

What’s Next for Japan-Brunei Relations in 2018?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A recent visit offered some indications as to what we might expect for ties for the rest of the year and beyond.

Tracking Trump's First Trip to Asia, Part 1: Japan and South Korea
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
How did Trump's first-ever presidential trip to U.S. allies Japan and South Korea go?

Where Is Vietnam’s Economy Headed as It Hosts APEC?
By Luke Hunt
Outlook appears generally positive as Hanoi gears up for the meeting, but uncertainties still remain.

Trump Goes to Asia: Everything You Need to Know
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Donald Trump goes to Asia for the first time as president. What can we expect?

Does an ASEAN Agreement Mean Progress for RCEP?
By Luke Hunt
Despite some steps forward, familiar challenges remain.

With the RCEP, Australia Has a Chance to Lead
By Nick Derewlany
Canberra can pursue its international trade objectives and push for a more open and transparent agreement.

US Leadership as a Pacific Power: Trump and Beyond
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Paul Heer.

Is Latin America Trying to Further the TPP Without Trump?
By Anthony Medina Rivas Plata
Will an expanded Pacific Alliance be the successor to the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

Why Abe Still Loves Trump
By Paul Nadeau
The Japanese leader’s cultivation of the U.S. president is part of a broader strategy that seems to be working so far.

New Life for the TPP?
By Anthony Fensom
The TPP 11 are "united" on moving forward, but Trump has his own ideas for the future of Asia trade.

Trump's New Trade Executive Order Portends Difficult Times Ahead for US Relationships in Asia
By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration's campaign against trade deficits will potentially lead to strained relationships.