Trans-Pacific Partnership

Why RCEP Is Vital for India
By Bipul Chatterjee and Surendar Singh
The regional trade deal could boost India’s strategic and economic position in the Asia-Pacific.

China’s Alternative Diplomacy
By Zheng Wang
China has just made its biggest foreign policy adjustment in 25 years.

The State of the Union: Obama’s Challenge to China
By Shannon Tiezzi
Obama's annual address contained a world view that Beijing will find inherently problematic.

The Beginning of World Trade Disorganization?
By Gordon Wong
How the WTO is linked to the relative decline of U.S. power.

5 Ways the US Can Boost its Rebalance to Southeast Asia in 2015
By Prashanth Parameswaran
What should the Obama administration do to advance U.S. policy in Southeast Asia this year?

The Japanese Election and the Farm Vote
By Aurelia George Mulgan
The Trans-Pacific Partnership made the recent election a troubling one for Japanese farmers.

After APEC, Whither the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
By Elliot Waldman
With the U.S. and Japan nearing a deal and Republicans in control of Congress, could 2015 be the TPP’s year?

China's TPP Contradictions
By Zachary Keck
In attacking the Trans-Pacific Partnership, China's state media directly contradicted President Xi.

Interview: Make Or Break For Abenomics
By Anthony Fensom
Dr. Martin Schulz on a critical moment for Japan's program of economic recovery.

Elite Talk: Alan Bollard on APEC, FTAAP
By Li Zhenyu
As the APEC meetings begin, APEC Secretariat Executive Director joins the Elite Talk show.

The U.S. and China’s Competing FTA’s During APEC
By Clint Richards
The U.S. is uninterested in ceding power in a more comprehensive regional trade agreement.

2016 Election Could Derail Asia Trade Pact
By Zachary Keck
While the midterms buoyed the TPP, the auto industry and 2016 president election could ultimately derail it.