Trans-Pacific Partnership

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Hawaii Talks End Without Deal
By Anthony Fensom
Progress, but no deal on the TPP, as time runs short.

How the TPP Will Protect the United States' 'Third Offset' Strategy
By Robert Farley
The intellectual property provisions of the TPP will give the United States' "third offset" strategy teeth.

Debating China Policy: High Stakes, Hard Choices
By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
Insights from Patrick Chovanec

What the Trans-Pacific Partnership Means for Southeast Asia
By Hunter Marston
The trade deal would be a giant step for the four Southeast Asian countries currently in talks.

No, the TPP Does Not Threaten State Sovereignty
By Sinclaire Prowse
In defense of the TPP's Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions.

Shaping the Asia-Pacific Order: Don’t Count the US Out
By Robert A. Manning
With some foresight and leadership, the postwar system can survive.

With Fast-Track in Place, Can a TPP Deal Be Struck?
By Shom Sen
The recent TPA bill was a major step forward, but some tough negotiations remain.

Asia’s Strategic Landscape: Continuity and Change
By Mercy A. Kuo and Angie O. Tang
Insights from Muthiah Alagappa

Can Japan Have an Economic Grand Strategy Beyond the TPP?
By Shihoko Goto
Can Tokyo provide economic leadership in a rapidly changing region?

‘Integrating China’ into the Existing Order
By Amitai Etzioni
Why urge China to join the international order, and then make it hard for it to do so?

Do Asians Back the US Pivot More than Americans?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though a new survey suggests this is the case, a closer look reveals a more complex picture.

TPP: Think Pacific Peace
By Marcus Loh
The potential benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership go beyond trade.