Trans-Pacific Partnership

Confirmed: Philippines Wants to Join TPP
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Trade secretary delivers Manila’s clearest declaration of intent yet.

Finishing the TPP: It’s Not Just About the US Congress
By Prashanth Parameswaran
With all the attention on Capitol Hill, some perspective is needed on the endgame.
TPP Update: TPA Poised to Clear Senate
By Ankit Panda
The Obama administration and pro-trade Republicans are set to clear TPA through the Senate.

The Future of US-Japan-Vietnam Trilateral Cooperation
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at an idea that has received growing attention.

China Deals Up Pressure On TPP
By Anthony Fensom
Beijing’s latest agreements leave the Trans-Pacific Partnership at risk of losing relevance.

TPP Update: What Happened in the House
By Ankit Panda
Friday's antics in the House of Representatives highlight the obstacles for the Obama administration on trade.

Forging the Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Insider's Take
By Ankit Panda
Francisco Sanchez discusses the Trans-Pacific Partnership and U.S. economic relations with major Asian economies.

The Misguided US Trade Gamble Against China
By Robin Hsieh
U.S. trade policy toward China needs to be positive-sum, not zero-sum.

Cross-Strait Relations: The DPP's Tightrope Walk
By Shannon Tiezzi
During a U.S. tour, DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen kept a cautious approach to cross-strait issues.

Time to Revisit an ASEAN-EU FTA?
By Ji Xianbai
Much has changed since 2007, when FTA talks were first attempted.

Sure, TPP Is 'Win-Win'... Unless You Care About Human Rights
By John Sifton
The Trans-Pacific Partnership won't do much to improve the human rights situation in Asia.

Shinzo Abe's Historic US Visit
By Shannon Tiezzi
Jim Schoff speaks with The Diplomat about Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's state visit to the United States.