
After Pressure, Growing Transparency in Malaysia’s Glove Industry
By Peter Bengtsen
From rock bottom four years ago, much of Malaysia’s glove industry has embarked on efforts to achieve greater transparency and better conditions.

Is Hong Kong's Reputation for Financial Secrecy About to Change?
By Neeti Biyani
Hong Kong commits to identifying companies’ beneficial owners – or does it?

Kim Jong-un's Reappearance Shows North Korea’s New Transparency
By Zachary Keck
Kim Jong-un's absence and resurfacing provide another example of North Korea becoming more transparent under his rule.

Military Transparency Is Overrated
By Dingding Chen
China has good reasons to remain secretive about its military.

Why Isn’t China’s Military More Transparent?
By Zachary Keck
A number of widely different reasons potentially explain why China shrouds its military modernization in secrecy.

The Philippines Economy: Ready for Take-Off?
As its rise in the Global Competitiveness Report shows, the economic conditions are improving. Still, many challenges remain.
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