

After the Tsunami in Indonesia's Sunda Strait

After the Tsunami in Indonesia's Sunda Strait

By Agoes Rudianto
Indonesia has again been devastated by a tsunami, this time without warning.

Aceh Ten Years After the Tsunami

Aceh Ten Years After the Tsunami

By Sebastian Strangio
The region has made impressive progress on rebuilding infrastructure, but the mental scars remain.
Thucydides, War and Natural Disasters

Thucydides, War and Natural Disasters

“There’s no point being bitter about a tsunami or storm. It takes an enemy to envenom human affairs.”

Japan’s Growing Military Confidence

Japan’s Growing Military Confidence

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces performed admirably after last year’s tsunami. Expect a more confident force to play a growing role in disaster response.

Remembering March 11, 2011

Remembering March 11, 2011

March 11, when the earthquake and tsunmai hit, was surreal. And left lasting impressions on Japanese spirit.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The J-League and the Tsunami

The J-League and the Tsunami

As the J-League begins, it’s worth remembering how Japan’s football players stepped up after the tsunami.

What Japan Must Do Now

What Japan Must Do Now

Japan has made extraordinary progress in recovering from last year’s earthquake and tsunami. But will political bickering stop progress in its tracks?

Why Aren’t Japanese Protesting?

Why Aren’t Japanese Protesting?

Despite the unpopularity of Naoto Kan and his government, the Japanese public has remained relatively quiet.

Flyjin Reconciliation

Flyjin Reconciliation

Some foreigners who left Japan in the wake of the March 11 crisis are finding a chilly reception on returning.

Creative Japan Aid, Big and Small

Creative Japan Aid, Big and Small

From a pop concerts to handmade hats, relief efforts for victims of the earthquake and tsunami are going strong.

Aftershock in Japan

Japan experiences a 7.1 magnitude aftershock exactly one month after the first quake. Tsunami warning issued, lifted.

Japan: A Sombre Anniversary

Japan: A Sombre Anniversary

One month after the earthquake and tsunami devastated parts of the country, moods remain sombre. Rightfully so?

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