U.S. alliances in the Asia-Pacific
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President Trump: The View From China
By Zhibo Qiu
Trump's overall policies are a mixed bag for China, but his stance on U.S. leadership opens doors for Beijing.
China, Russia, and the Long ‘Unipolar Moment'
By Nathan A. Sears
How balancing failures are actually extending U.S. hegemony.
How the US Election Unsettles Asia's Regional Order
By Nick Bisley
Donald Trump's remarks are a wake-up calls to Asian nations: the U.S. presence might not last forever.
Maritime Asia: Responding to the China Challenge
By Patrick Cronin
How to craft a U.S. response to China's recent actions in the maritime domain -- particularly the South China Sea.
Do Asians Back the US Pivot More than Americans?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though a new survey suggests this is the case, a closer look reveals a more complex picture.
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