
U.S.-China Competition

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Will American and Chinese Societies Support a New Type of Cold War?

Will American and Chinese Societies Support a New Type of Cold War?

By Matt Ferchen and Hanns W. Maull
Leaders on both sides are taking a more confrontational line, but are the people willing to go along?
How Unique Is Trump’s China Policy?

How Unique Is Trump’s China Policy?

By Keikichi Takahashi
The current U.S. approach reflects a sea change on China that began before Trump’s election – and will continue after his administration ends.

China-US Military Confrontation in the South China Sea: Fact and Fiction

China-US Military Confrontation in the South China Sea: Fact and Fiction

By Hu Bo
The China-U.S. rivalry in the South China Sea is certainly growing, but war is still some way off.

For the US and China, Thucydides’ Trap Is Closing

For the US and China, Thucydides’ Trap Is Closing

By Kevin Brown
Intertwined domestic crises are adding pressure for Donald Trump and Xi Jinping to seek out confrontation.

Why the Compacts of Free Association Matter to Washington

Why the Compacts of Free Association Matter to Washington

By Grant Wyeth
With its eyes on China, the United States seeks to reaffirm its presence in the western Pacific.
The 3 Flashpoints That Could Turn a US-China ‘Cold War’ Hot

The 3 Flashpoints That Could Turn a US-China ‘Cold War’ Hot

By Daniel Russel
Beware the crisis hiding in plain sight.

To Compete with China, the US Needs a Better Narrative Than a ‘New Cold War’

To Compete with China, the US Needs a Better Narrative Than a ‘New Cold War’

By Hunter Marston
The story we tell matters because it lays the foundation for competent strategy.
Forget About a ‘New’ Cold War. The Old One Never Ended.

Forget About a ‘New’ Cold War. The Old One Never Ended.

By Francis P. Sempa
James Burnham and ‘The War We Are In’ with China.

Will COVID-19 Bring Industrial Policy Back in Vogue?

Will COVID-19 Bring Industrial Policy Back in Vogue?

By Stephen Olson
The pandemic has forced an overdue discussion on what we have inaccurately considered to be “free” markets and “free” trade.

The Precarious Triangle: China, Taiwan, and United States

The Precarious Triangle: China, Taiwan, and United States

By Zoe Leung
Taiwan has become the most dangerous flashpoint in U.S.-China relations.

Why the US Campaign Against Huawei Backfired

Why the US Campaign Against Huawei Backfired

By Thomas D. Lairson, David Skidmore, and Wu Xinbo
Why is it that even a government as powerful as the United States is unable to impose its will on a single technology firm?
China Naval Modernization and the US Response

China Naval Modernization and the US Response

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Collin Koh Swee Lean

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