U.S.-China Competition

How the US-China Tech Wars Will Impact the Developing World
By Deborah Lehr
If an “economic iron curtain” falls, it will be in areas like the Middle East and Africa.

The Return of Biopolarity in World Politics
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Øystein Tunsjø.

US-China-Israel Triangle: Assessing Chinese Media Coverage
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Alexander B. Pevzner.

Trump’s State of The Union: What Wasn’t Said on China Spoke the Loudest
By Bonnie Girard
The U.S. president barely mentioned China in his address before Congress—and that spoke volumes.

US-China Relations in Flux: The Road to a Showdown
By Ben Lowsen
The United States is for the first time substantively responding to China’s rejection of international norms.

Made in China 2025, Explained
By Elsa B. Kania
A deep dive into China’s techno-strategic ambitions for 2025 and beyond.

The Top 5 Risks for US-China Relations in 2019
By Chen Dingding and Hu Junyang
2019 presents a range of challenge for the world’s most important bilateral relationship.

Coping With the Challenge of China’s Growing Space Power
By Lincoln Hines
Recognizing China's status-seeking motives provides an important tool for U.S. policymakers.

China and the US Are Destined for Peace, Not for War
By Jin Kai
The trade truce provides a chance for both sides to remember that they are not enemies.

China’s Plan to Break off US Allies
By Tao Peng
There’s a reason Beijing is pressuring Canada – not the US – over Meng Wanzhou’s arrest. Australia and New Zealand could be next.

Questioning the Presumption of a US-China Power Transition
By Ali Wyne
Analysts should consider another possibility: uneasy, fluid coexistence between the United States and China.

US Extradition of Huawei CFO: Fallout and Fault Lines
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Roland Hinterkoerner.