U.S.-China Competition

Minding Global South Realities Amid Indo-Pacific Strategic Competition
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Bridging North-South divides is critical to addressing the intersection of rising major power competition and growing Global South discontent.

China’s Authoritarian Pitch Gains Ground Globally
By Changwook Ju
New research shows China is remarkably effective in promoting its authoritarian governance to a global audience. The United States must up its game.

Harris or Trump: US Southeast Asia Policy Confronts Hard Realities
By Prashanth Parameswaran
There is an urgent need to reinforce U.S. competitiveness in the region regardless of who emerges victorious at the November 5 election.

Why Did China Test-fire an ICBM Into the South Pacific?
By Denny Roy
Although some officials would have seen the test launch as beneficial, either for technical or political reasons, the incident undermines important Chinese foreign policy goals.

The Long Game: Understanding US and China’s Theories of Victory
By Ngo Di Lan
By examining how the U.S. and China perceive the nature of their contest and plot their paths to success, we can better anticipate the trajectory of this competition.

Diplomacy Beyond the Elections: How China Is Preparing for a Post-Biden America
By Seong-Hyon Lee
China is not just managing tensions but setting the stage to influence the next U.S. administration and push its long-term ambitions forward.

Is America Ready for the New Cold War?
By Monish Tourangbam and Arushi Singh
The U.S. faces a crisis of leadership at home and grapples with a perception problem abroad.

US Tariffs Against China: It’s National Security, Stupid
By Denny Roy
Maximizing economic efficiency, the goal of most critics of tariffs, will not deliver national security.

Southeast Asia’s Real Choices Lie Beyond the ‘Swing State’ Paradigm
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The real choices facing the region lie in specific swing sectors, rather than the aggregate U.S.-China choices of a few designated swing states.

China and the Race for Nuclear Fusion
By Chris Qihan Zou
Nuclear fusion is the next frontier in both climate change and great power competition.

Will Iraq’s Prime Minister Sudani Visit China?
By Sardar Aziz
The Iraqi prime minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, has been invited to Beijing, but it appears that the Iraqi side is reluctant. Why?

‘Cold War 2.0’: George Takach on the Evolving World Order
By Kenji Yoshida
“Innovations like artificial intelligence and semiconductor technology are expected to be pivotal battlegrounds in this New Cold War era.”