
U.S.-China Competition

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Blinken Emphasizes Cooperation, Including With Beijing, in China Policy Speech

Blinken Emphasizes Cooperation, Including With Beijing, in China Policy Speech

By Shannon Tiezzi
Blinken emphasized cooperation with allies and partners, and even with China itself, in his long-awaited speech.
The Difference Between America’s 2 Cold Wars

The Difference Between America’s 2 Cold Wars

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Alfredo Toro Hardy.

Survey: Americans Increasingly See China as a Threat

Survey: Americans Increasingly See China as a Threat

By David Rising and Ken Moritsugu
Currently, 62 percent of Americans see China as a competitor and 25 percent as an enemy.

The Geopolitical Aftershocks of the China-Solomon Islands Security Agreement

The Geopolitical Aftershocks of the China-Solomon Islands Security Agreement

By Larissa Stünkel and Marc Lanteigne
The deal was likely China's response to AUKUS. Now Australia and the U.S. will consider how to respond, possibly intensifying the security competition in the Pacific.

China’s Ukraine Response Is All About the US (Not Russia)

China’s Ukraine Response Is All About the US (Not Russia)

By Mercy A. Kuo
In the long term, China is intent on using the Ukraine conflict to erode U.S. leadership and sow division in transatlantic relations.
China’s New Focus on US Cyber Activities

China’s New Focus on US Cyber Activities

By Megha Pardhi
Chinese officials and media are putting more effort into publicizing U.S. cyberattacks as a way of defending against criticisms of China’s cyber behavior.

China-US Competition Is Not a New Cold War

China-US Competition Is Not a New Cold War

By Keikichi Takahashi
The Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy shows the U.S. does not want a Cold War with China.
The Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Lacks Clarity on China

The Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Lacks Clarity on China

By Alec Blivas
The strategy document fails to answer crucial questions about the desired balance between competition and cooperation with China.

US Strategists on the Advantages and Limitations of Sea Power

US Strategists on the Advantages and Limitations of Sea Power

By Francis P. Sempa
Most of U.S. assets and allies in the Asia-Pacific are maritime-based. History suggests that won’t be enough to overcome China’s continental advantage.

Breaking the Internet: China-US Competition Over Technology Standards

Breaking the Internet: China-US Competition Over Technology Standards

By Joshua Park
High-tech middle powers like Japan and South Korea will be crucial to avoiding a “splinternet.”

Stabilizing Great Power Rivalries

Stabilizing Great Power Rivalries

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Timothy Heath.
Rare Earths: Fighting for the Fuel of the Future

Rare Earths: Fighting for the Fuel of the Future

By Brendan P. Dziama, Juan Manuel Chomón Pérez, and Andreas Ganser
Rare earths are as critical to the modern economy as oil – and China has quietly secured a near-monopoly.

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