
U.S. China policy

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Is China a Developing Nation? The US Congress Is Skeptical. 

Is China a Developing Nation? The US Congress Is Skeptical. 

By Sadie Statman
By designating China a developed rather than developing nation, proposed U.S. legislation would challenge the credibility of how Beijing frames its international cooperation. 
How ‘Like-Mindedness’ Became the Key Attribute of the China Containment Strategy

How ‘Like-Mindedness’ Became the Key Attribute of the China Containment Strategy

By Andreas B. Forsby
The stronger identity dynamics become, the more likely they are to reduce all the specific strategic choices into a single decision: to side with the U.S. or China.

What the Partisan Conflict Over Ilhan Omar Means for China-US Relations

What the Partisan Conflict Over Ilhan Omar Means for China-US Relations

By Jiachen Shi
Omar – and other progressive Democrats – seem to be pivoting toward a harder line stance on China as they come under Republican fire.

Promise and Perils for the Japan-South Korea-US Trilateral in 2023

Promise and Perils for the Japan-South Korea-US Trilateral in 2023

By Hanna Foreman and Andrew Yeo
Aside from longstanding historical issues, the three countries will face challenges in sustaining coordination on North Korea and China policy. 

Will Kevin McCarthy’s GOP Finally Make China a Partisan Issue?

Will Kevin McCarthy’s GOP Finally Make China a Partisan Issue?

By Jiachen Shi
Republicans may find they can best pursue two top agenda items – contain China and cripple Biden – by intertwining them.
Are US Allies Falling out of ‘Alignment’ on China?

Are US Allies Falling out of ‘Alignment’ on China?

By Shannon Tiezzi
The Biden administration trumpets its efforts to build consensus on China policy through consultation. Recent legislation challenged that. 

US Policy Toward China Is Undermining Security for Communities in the Asia-Pacific

US Policy Toward China Is Undermining Security for Communities in the Asia-Pacific

By Kate Alexander and Colleen Moore
Addressing collective challenges such as climate change will require abandoning militarized approaches for cooperation and diplomacy.
US China Policy Is About More Than China

US China Policy Is About More Than China

By Robert Sutter
Doing what is “right” on a wide range of issues has reinforced the momentum in U.S. efforts to counter Beijing.

New US Export Controls Need Allied Support

New US Export Controls Need Allied Support

By Hannah Kelley
Stockpiles of wrongs don’t make a human right.

China Was an Issue in the US Midterms, Especially in Attack Ads

China Was an Issue in the US Midterms, Especially in Attack Ads

By Joe Renouard
In hundred of campaign ads, China is portrayed as both a threat to American interests and a partner for corrupt elites in the United States.

Why the Obvious Geopolitics of the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 Matter

Why the Obvious Geopolitics of the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 Matter

By Johanna M. Costigan
The bill is more about opposition to China than support for Taiwan, and is part of the broader securitization of Washington's Taiwan policy.
Taiwan Strait Crisis Strengthens US Resolve to Support Taiwan, Counter China

Taiwan Strait Crisis Strengthens US Resolve to Support Taiwan, Counter China

By Robert Sutter
The Washington Consensus remains united and the direction of U.S. policy is clear.

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