U.S.-China Relations
The TPP and China: The Elephant That Wasn’t in the Room
By Michal Meidan
The trade deal will have huge implications for the region, and for U.S.-China competition.
Is This How China's Currency Will Make Its Mark on the World Stage?
By Ankit Panda
London will become the first overseas market for renminbi-denominated Chinese sovereign debt.
China-US Climate Change Cooperation: Beyond Energy
By Zhang Hongzhou
The two countries need to think beyond the energy sector in their joint efforts to tackle climate change.
For America, The Key to China Is Closer to Home
By Matthew Margulies
Why U.S. domestic reforms may be the best way to influence Chinese policy.
US-China Military Agreements Dodge Deep Differences
By Mark J. Valencia
Hailed as “groundbreaking,” the new rules fail to address fundamental differences.
How to Manufacture a Honeymoon in US-China Relations
By Xie Tao
A state visit should be about honestly assessing the relationship, not creating the illusion of a honeymoon.
Not So Fast: The TPP Might Be Good News for China
By Dingding Chen
It is still uncertain whether the TPP deal will significantly hurt China’s economy.
U.S.-China Relations: What Now?
By Shannon Tiezzi
With the much anticipated state visit now over, what comes next?
US-China Relations: Giving Voice to Doves in a Hawkish Environment
By Amitai Etzioni
The United States and China need to use their resources for nation-building at home rather than investing them in arms.
Think Xi Jinping's State Visit to the US Went Well? Think Again
By Dingding Chen
A modest Xi-Obama summit signals troubles ahead. No major breakthrough was achieved during the summit.
So, How Did Xi Jinping's State Visit to the United States Go?
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat‘s editors discuss the outcomes of Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United States.
Have the US and China Come to an Understanding on the AIIB?
By Ankit Panda
The United States and China have come to a working understanding on the role of the AIIB. Washington can move on now.