U.S.-China rivalry

Great Power Competition and China’s New Era of ICBM Testing
By Rahul Pandey
The test launch of the DF-41 – China’s first ICBM test in 44 years – is yet another sign of the country’s growing military prowess.

Competition With China Is Inevitable. US Alliance Policy Could Determine Just How Bad It Gets.
By Joshua Byun
The two sides will find it increasingly difficult to avoid intense security competition over the coming decades, but there are still meaningful choices to make.

The China Race: Global Competition for Alternative World Orders
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Fei-Ling Wang.

Securing China-US Relations Within the Wider Asia-Pacific
By Sourabh Gupta
The United States and China must craft a durable consensus that prioritizes regional stability and coexistence.

Singapore’s Role as a Neutral Interpreter of China to the West
By Walter Woon
If the growing West-China division is to be bridged, the Western world needs a more nuanced interpretation of China. Singapore can play that role.

Even a Neutral Indonesia Could Get Dragged Into a China-US War
By Abdul Rahman Yaacob
Indonesia could unwittingly be drawn into great-power military conflict due to its strategic location, especially if a China-U.S. clash happens in Indonesian waters.

To Understand Southeast Asia Today, Look to its Early Modern History
By Imran Said
The region today resembles less the rigid binaries of the Cold War than the fluid loyalties and interactions of the pre-colonial era.

Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan Creates a Headache for ASEAN Countries
By Thi Mai Anh Nguyen
Southeast Asian countries’ greatest fear is being caught in the middle of a China-U.S. conflict. The latest tensions over Taiwan bring that worryingly close to reality.

From Cambodia, China’s Foreign Minister Seeks Rhetorical Support on Taiwan Crisis
By Shannon Tiezzi
Wang Yi's meetings in Cambodia, on the sidelines of ASEAN summitry, are being used to drum up support for China's aggressive response to Pelosi's Taiwan visit.

Can India and ASEAN Lean on Each Other Amid ‘Systemic’ China-US Competition?
By Shruti Pandalai
New Delhi, viewed by ASEAN as independent from both the U.S. and China, could help build this strategic trust.

Can an Antifragile Mindset Help Reframe the China-US Tech Rivalry?
By Manoj Harjani and Tan Ming Hui
If removed from its zero-sum framing, the China-U.S. tech competition could actually be good for both countries in the long term.

China-US Competition Is Not a New Cold War
By Keikichi Takahashi
The Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy shows the U.S. does not want a Cold War with China.
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